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​Get In Touch

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Compliant Procedure

If you have a complaint that you cannot resolve with the Director responsible for dealing with your instruction, then this note sets out the procedure which we will follow in dealing with that complaint.

Please contact in writing
The Complaints Director 
SJW property management.      

Saint Magnus House,                        

3 Lower Thames Street.          



Once a complaint has been received, we will contact you in writing within five working days to inform you of who will be responsible for investigating your complaint and how this will be conducted.
Within twenty working days of written confirmation of your complaint, the person investigating your complaint will write to inform you of the outcome and to let you know what actions have been, or will be, taken. In some instances, your complaint may take longer to investigate, in which case we will write to inform you of our progress.
If your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, we will agree that the matter may be referred to the property ombudsman. 

If you are still unhappy At this stage it's time to get a third-party involved. The Property Ombudsman is the free, independent service looking after real estate customers. Bring your complaint to them within 12 months of our final response to get their help.

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